invisalign facts

Common Facts for Invisalign Wearers

Kingston TN

Invisalign is celebrated by both dentists and patients as a revolutionary, comfortable and discreet way to straighten teeth. Invisalign uses clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth and correct bite issues. It is an appealing alternative to traditional metal braces because of its ability to straighten teeth without the need for uncomfortable metal brackets, wires and adjustments. Invisalign gradually shifts teeth into their proper position in less time than braces, too. Our Invisalign dentist in Kingston is sharing today a list of 10 common facts about Invisalign that you may want to know:

  1. It’s all about you!

A person’s Invisalign journey begins with a consultation with an orthodontist or an Invisalign-trained dentist like ours in Harriman. Through an exam and assessment, we will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific case and goals.

  1. Gradual tooth movement

We will use 3D imaging technology to capture a detailed picture of your mouth and teeth. From this, we will create a series of custom aligners made of clear, smooth plastic that fit comfortably over your teeth. You will wear each set of aligners for about 1-2 weeks, during which time the teeth gradually shift closer to the desired position. Each tray will help the teeth shift a bit closer to the end goal.

  1. Aligners are removable

Unlike braces that are fixed on the teeth for usually two years or more and restrict you from enjoying certain foods, Invisalign aligners can be removed for brushing, flossing, eating and drinking anything other than water.

  1. Regular check-ups

Braces are known for their frequent adjustment appointments and the lingering discomfort after them. Invisalign doesn’t require as many appointments. We will schedule quick checkups usually every 4-6 weeks with our cosmetic dentist in Rockwood to make sure your aligners are working effectively.

  1. Treatment duration

Treatment length varies based on the severity of the case. On average, Invisalign takes anywhere from six months to two years to achieve the desired results.

  1. Comfort

You may experience some initial discomfort or pressure when switching to a new set of aligners. This is because of the pressure being applied to gently shift the teeth, and the feeling should go away within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help during this transition.

  1. Compliance

For your treatment plan to end on time, you must wear your aligner trays 20-22 hours out of every day, removing them only to eat, drink anything other than water, brush and floss. Failure to wear them as directed can prolong treatment time and affect the final results.

  1. Attachments

In some cases, small, discreet tooth-colored attachments may be bonded to the teeth to help the aligners grip better and achieve more precise tooth shifting.

  1. Maintain oral hygiene

Strong oral hygiene habits shouldn’t change with Invisalign. Our Kingston Invisalign dentist recommends brushing your teeth after meals and before reinserting the aligners, flossing regularly and taking time to clean the aligners themselves.

  1. Retainers

After your Invisalign journey is complete, we will usually make a custom retainer to help you maintain the new position of your teeth. Retainers may need to be worn full-time at first but are gradually transitioned to nighttime wear only.

Invisalign in Kingston, Harriman and Rockwood, TN

If you’re ready to have the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of, then we’re ready to talk with you about Invisalign! Call us at LakeView Dental Arts, (865) 248-2199, or reach out to us online to schedule a consultation today.

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