dental questions

Questions to Ask at your Next Dental Visit

Kingston TN

Visiting our dental practice twice a year isn’t just a time to have your teeth checked and cleaned. It’s also a time to ask any questions that may have popped up since your last visit six months prior. Perhaps you’ve been caught in a dental emergency and found yourself not knowing who to call. These are the kinds of questions our family dentist in Kingston can answer during your routine checkup. Let’s take a look at a few questions just to give you an idea of the questions you may want to ask when you see us next.

  1. How can I improve my oral health?

Our Harriman family dentist will examine your teeth and make note of any changes since your previous visit. We will provide you with an overview of your oral health, including the condition of your teeth, gums and mouth. We will also point out any potential issues, including any signs of cavities or gum disease. Even if your teeth are in tip-top shape, our dentist may have additional tips to boost your oral care regimen.

  1. How can I manage my anxiety about dentist visits?

Don’t be embarrassed to tell our family dentist in Rockwood if you’re a little hesitant to visit us. You’re certainly not alone. We will provide you with strategies — including relaxation techniques, sedation or breaking treatments into multiple, shorter visits — to help you feel more comfortable.

  1. What type of toothbrush and toothpaste should I be using?

It’s amazing how a few small tools can make all the difference in your oral health. Dentists, including ours, recommend using either an electric or soft-bristled toothbrush. The hard, more abrasive bristles on other toothbrushes can irritate your gums and even scratch your enamel. But with so many other options available, it’s important to ask our dentist which kind of toothbrush is the perfect fit for you. You can also ask for a toothpaste recommendation based on the current state of your oral health and your short- and long-term goals.

  1. Should I use mouthwash?

While mouthwash does not replace brushing and flossing, it can be used to boost an oral health regimen. Mouthwash freshens your breath and controls bacteria in the mouth, but be sure to ask our dentist about the recommended mouthwash for your oral health goals.

  1. Do you recommend any cosmetic treatments to improve my smile?

We offer many cosmetic treatments at LakeView Dental Arts that will help you love your smile. Be sure to ask our cosmetic dentist in Kingston how your smile may benefit from our offered treatments like professional teeth whitening, dental veneers and bonding or our orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign.

Family dentist in Kingston, Harriman and Rockwood, TN

We love when our patients are proactive about their dental health, so come to your biannual appointment prepared to ask plenty of questions. If it’s time to schedule your appointment with us, call LakeView Dental Arts at (865) 248-2199, or reach out to us online today.

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