do dental implants hurt

Does it Hurt to get Dental Implants?

Kingston TN

Dental implants are a revolutionary way to replace missing teething, offering both functional restoration and aesthetic appeal. But some people are deterred from getting implants because they fear the procedure will be too painful. Today, our implant dentist in Kingston is debunking several myths about dental implants so that if you’re a candidate for this restoration procedure, you can move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

What is a dental implant?

During a dental implant procedure, our dentist inserts a titanium post into the patient’s jawbone. The post acts as a tooth root for a replacement tooth or bridge.

The dental implant process is usually completed in steps:

Step 1 — Initial Consultation

First, you’ll meet with our cosmetic dentist in Harriman for an exam to ensure you’re a strong candidate for dental implants. Our dental team will review and assess your oral health and medical history and talk with you about a treatment plan.

Step 2 — Implant placement

Once it’s decided you are a good implant candidate, we will schedule surgery, and our dentist will surgically insert the implant into your jawbone.

Step 3 — Osseointegration

The jawbone needs time to heal and fuse to the titanium implant. This process is called osseointegration, and it usually takes several months.

Step 4 — Abutment placement

A connector has to be placed on the implant to be able to later connect with a custom-made crown, which is the part of the implant that people see.

Step 5 — Crown placement

The final step of a dental implant procedure is attaching the custom-made crown or bridge to the abutment.

Are dental implants painful?

Any surgical procedure, understandably, raises anxiety and concerns about pain. Fortunately, advancements in dental technology, techniques and anesthesia make the implant procedure a relatively painless experience.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways a dentist can ensure your comfort during the procedure:

  • Local anesthesia: Before beginning the surgery, our Rockwood implant dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the area of your mouth being treated. This ensures you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.
  • Sedation options: If you have severe dental anxiety or have been told your procedure is more complex than usual, be sure to ask our Kingston implant dentist about sedation options to ensure your comfort and relaxation during the procedure.

While you may experience some pressure or minor discomfort during an implant placement, it’s typically less than what most people expect. Many patients report that it feels similar to having a tooth extracted. After the procedure, our practice will provide instructions for managing discomfort or swelling. Our patients report that over-the-counter pain relievers help with any lingering discomfort they may experience during the healing phase.

Dental implants in Kingston, Harriman and Rockwood, TN

Your comfort and satisfaction are our two top goals at LakeView Dental Arts. We understand that anxiety might be high if you’ve decided on dental implants as a restorative option for your smile. We are a phone call away, at (865) 248-2199, and are here to answer any questions you may have.

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